Restart Jerry - Jun 22, 2013
When given an opportunity, a choice, to press the magical button that reverses time to a point in life that gives you a choice to choose to a more accepting and out-looking path, what do you do?
Do you accept the offer that’s gladly given to you in hopes for a future more deserving? Or do you turn down this opportunity and live the life by the choices you’ve already made?
A choice this powerful must have its consequences, no matter how gratifying or dire it may be.
You may inquire that this thinking goes along the lines of regret and self-direction, but have you ever thought of having ends meet?
Maybe activating a restart button and choosing another path less sought out for may eventually bring you back to your current state. Or if the path that you are now on may lead you back to the original fork on the road where the less sought out path is there for you grab hold of.
A path you choose does not mean future options are left undisclosed.
After all, paths may intertwine in its spectacular ways to bring us rightfully where we are suppose to be.