Get hurt, Struggle, Fight back, Stay strong Jerry - Jul 27, 2014
The title explains itself quite explicitly. What does it mean though? Let’s break it down.
1. Get Hurt
Emotional or physical pain, whatever it may be, is the result of being hurt. Whether it may be a bruise on your knee or scar in your heart, it hurts. What about spiritual pain, the pain that lies within the realm of the unworldly and the illogical? Most people don’t notice it and many don’t even think its real. But when conflicts arise between what you have called your “life” to be since you were born and the unknown tug that pulls you to see the reality for what it is, is that an emotion or a tactile scratch to your being? I can’t really dig into what that would feel like, but spiritual pain seems an awfully difficult thing to understand. Questions on that probably shouldn’t directed to me, but definitely there are people who can help you with it. All you have to do is seek, ask, and open up the spiritual damages that you have to that spiritual counsellor.
2. Struggle
Just as physics explains atoms, constantly active particles, to be, otherwise, in state of lowest energy when not disturbed, and to have the universe in chaos (higher entropy) more than being in a system that wants to be in a set and orderly fashion (low entropy). These are some of the scientific examples of how the universe’s natural tendency is laid out to be. Humans don’t differ as much really. We sit on our couch, get comfortable, and slowly drift off into an almost inactive position where we could just pretty much stay in that pose forever (that’s why sleeping is one of the best things a person can have). Our pace in life is quite set; work/school, home/leisure, sleep. Repeat x 1,000,000,000,000. But there’s always that push, the special annoyance that makes us not feel comfortable anymore, and we get emotional, physical, or spiritual that we want to do all it takes to go back to the way we were. Well, let’s try not to, okay? Maybe the change is good, maybe its bad, but that is your discretion to decide on it. Nevertheless, it is the struggle to break apart from what you were so at peace with that’s difficult. Struggle for a bit, then a little more, then more after, and finally struggle every time this nudge wants to get you out of that comfort zone. It may be hard to do so and may conflict you in other ways, but this is the first step to going forward to a different approach, a different beginning, and a different (and hopefully evermore joyful) life.
3. Fight Back
As I had alluded from (2), the change being fought for will not be easy. Mentally bring yourself to a position where you have the skills, the resources, and the accompaniment of others to do. Your fight forward to a better life is not your fight alone. Sometimes, I've always seen it as a fight I have to do, while ignoring the advice and responses of others that want to be at my side. Then I realized I was wrong. Your family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and whoever else are not trying to fight your battles, nor trying to control the path you are to go. They only want to care and be an encouragement to your path. Our fights will come at us hard and we might win the first few, but there will be others where we fail. At this point, you are not helpless. Your failures and your broken self-esteem is not the end result. The people that care for you will be the railings that pull you back up after you've tripped. Remember, a support is only a support, but without one, your one-man war will not fair well.
4. Stay Strong
Once you’ve accomplished your reign to the positively, connoted throne, stay there. I'm not suggesting to be the couch potato like in (2), but persevere and maintain this stronghold for many wars continue to break loose. Fear not, however, because you’re the king of this wonderful castle, having warriors for your support, and a impenetrable wall that you have developed since (1) to (3). Remain loyal to the direction you’re going and be happy that you're goals are accomplished. And when another tug or pull grabs you back onto the journey, you’ll be better equipped to fight the fights that lie ahead, soaring higher than ever before.