The View Looks Nice From Out Here Jerry - Oct 11, 2013
There once was a boy who dreamed of something big. He was small, but he knew that out there in the world, he can see it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t scale the world as he didn’t know how to. ”My eyes can only see so far” the boy would think, his hopes slowly seeing the realization. Maybe I can’t find it after all. Maybe the dream I had is only just a dream. He sat back and saw the reality in front of him. He thought to himself, “At least I have what I can see.” Disappointed, he chose the reality that he could feel comfortable in, forsaking the dream that was out of reach.

Days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years until the little boy was not so little anymore. He had grown up. But within the dark corridors of his mind, that dream flickered ever so faint, pulsing as if to let him know that the dream he once thought persisted and would never leave him. The man, understanding the truth of the world, felt as if he was trapped. He wanted to leave, but he couldn’t. Consequently, he became part of the world he knew and just – lived.
With things in the world pulling him in and out, the man would take a few moments out of his busy life to ponder about his boyhood. The dream he once thought is still alive. ”Where can I find it?” the man said. He stood quietly into the open, cool night and looked up. There, in front of him, laid the outside of the world, the big dream that he envisioned when he was a young, little boy. The sky was beautiful. The bright lights that flickered on and off, ever so faintly, shone together with a ray that could pierce the soul of man. These lights, he thought to himself, resembled the faint glowing dream that lay within him for all these years, waiting to be noticed.

And since that very day began, the man would notice ever so intently and auspiciously of the sky that even time couldn’t stop his never-ending trance towards the “place outside of the world”. The faint fire that once endured has flamed into a brilliant star that eradicates the shadows that held it. The man with this star envisioned his dream, fervidly imagining himself looking down to the world from up there. From a top to bottom view, he saw a brilliance that he couldn’t imagine himself. The world, bleak and wounded from the bottom, looked brilliant and majestic from all the heavens. He realized the grandeur of all epiphanies – his dream and the world created a picture like no other he had seen. It was a picture of unity between the reality he had lived in and the utopia he had sought for.
This story is a big literary soup of hidden feelings, passions, and messages. It contains a simplicity that every child has had. For the boy, this simplicity was the universe or mainly the “world outside of the world“. It set the foreground for aspirations, curiosities, and the beauty of what the boy contained. He would desire to seek the voluminous void with love and excitement, only to be surrounded by stars, nebulae, galaxies, and earth with the ironies of elation and calmness all blended together to form a masterpiece. To this day, the man that the boy grew into will always hold that dream he had once thought of. The dream, he believes, has not extinguished, but has guided him throughout his life like the Polaris (North) star guiding lost citizens back home.
The boy and the man of the story, who continues to look up once in a while to see his dream, is me.